الأربعاء، 30 يونيو 2010

Indian man on his stomach another man

See a picture of an Indian man with the body of a person in his body

The case is very, very rare did not find any explanation has one of only

Certain expectations of doctors that the parties are redundant

الثلاثاء، 29 يونيو 2010

Soda water burn bones

Carbonated water made from water that has been processed in a special way with carbon dioxide in addition to local materials and other colorful and flavorful and third acids such as phosphoric acid and citric acid, not only this but also added caffeine which contains regular packaging (330 ml ) on the equivalent found in a cup of coffee of caffeine and this explains what stalking children from insomnia, headache and acidity not to mention tooth decay of the impact of acid on the layer that protects the teeth and reduce the proportion of hypocalcaemia and lead to osteoporosis in old age. What is expected silence from these drinks???? Do you love it and we will continue to Ndmnha????
Death in a bottle: Once again .. If you want to be sure, examine well what is written on a bottle of cola and you will find components such as:
Phosphoric acid: small amounts of ethylene Gelkol which reduces the freezing temperature of water to below zero in four or five degrees, this article is one of the poisons in forensic medicine. If dealt with 4 liters of cola may lose your life in one hour: It is not required is disturbing, but attention and the search for alternatives in the fresh juices and flavored milk different and coconut and plain water instead of carbonated drinks they have no nutritional value for vitamins and minerals as well as they contain a lot of sugar and carbonic acid and other chemicals Kalmllonat ...
"No Cola after eating" make a special appeal - raising the slogan and the obligation to apply if you are a loving soft drinks after a meal and to answer your question "why" Read us the following lines:
Needs the human body to a temperature in 1937 for the work of enzymes of the digestive system, and the temperature of these drinks are much lower than this temperature, leading to tension in the digestive tract, and may reach the temperature to zero, and this in itself lead to a reduction enzymes, and will not digestion of food is good, but Sitkhmr leads to the presence of gases and toxins acquired during become absorbed in the intestine and revolves with the blood, and transmitted to the body and accumulate these toxins in the body, leading to the emergence of various diseases.
Painful experiences with cola: Trial 1: Since the period and at the University of Delhi in a competition to drink the largest amount of drinking Coca-Cola winner of 8 bottles of Coca-Cola and he passed out immediately because of the increased proportion of carbon dioxide in the blood significantly, and therefore prevent the President of the University the entry of any soft drink! To the university.
Experience 2: Develop one are not broken in a bottle of Coke for 10 days melted, you believe that? Teeth and bones are human parts that stay long with the rights even after his death. Imagine the impact of these drinks p! Li the small intestine and stomach lining! We would like to reach this message to all your friends to increase awareness of the adverse impact of the health beverage

Finally realized the dream-making ((cap concealment))

Appears to be «hat concealment» will not remain just a nice idea handled movies and TV series in the West and the East. Has managed a team of researchers from the United States and Britain to develop the material with the ability to hide things that are covered, making it invisible by those who viewed.

The scientists announced their success in the design of a device capable of playing like Btakip, and to conceal the set objectives of sight through a revolutionary new technique based on the scattering of light and prevent repercussions. The new device Eetmer ability to direct the path of light rays falling towards it, which makes X-wrap around it, and makes the viewer unable to see what is hiding underneath. A team of scientific research: «that the new experiment similar to the flow of water in the river, it will continue to flow even if they objected to the way pieces of wood, and shows that this article would be more like a hole in the space».

And aspires scientific team that designed the device, to the development of future models of it, managed to hide people, so they have achieved one of the wonders that as long as people used to joke in the stories and movies. He explained the project owner David Chiorig told the Associated Press the nature of the device that is scattered light and the reflected waves from objects, thus making it a hidden, as the human eye can not see things until after the reflection of light on them.

The scholars of the University of York, who discovered the «device concealment new»: «The technology that was invented based on the composition of special metal, and unlike» Ghost «used in some types of military aircraft such as« Stelit », and that resort to reducing the amount of reflected short-wave from the body of the aircraft In order to avoid radar by them. The Chiorig The new technology are based on full packaging for the purposes intended to hide, so distracted by the undulations of light similar to that happens when going through the river on a rock in the middle. For his part, said physicist End Hart of the University of St. Andrews: «The idea in itself a remarkable achievement, and surprisingly it works simply». The electrical engineer David Smith of the University of York, said the idea came quick and its applications were faster. Managed device in his first experience in concealing the copper cylinder is almost full, and the scientists overseeing the project is to improve in the coming period so as to succeed, not to conceal the purpose, but in the shadows to hide the resulting.
The scientists designed the device from a special alloy, add to parts of ceramics, Teflon, and fiber, which when finished will be able to hide from the development itself and the purposes for which it contains, in addition to your shadow, so it is impossible to see or sense his presence. A key consideration taken scientists at the University of York in mind is that the forms of mineral sperm concealed must be much smaller than the radiation nanotechnologies. For this reason, use expert David Chiorig micro-wave radiation. Sayalbageson and that the new article, or what is known as «beyond the article» blocking electromagnetic radiation about the thing you hide, and to prevent radiation from penetrating radar, leading to the isolation of the thing to hide from the outside world. The researchers in many areas that can be used by the new article, which will probably be mostly become applications for military purposes.

Million reward for those who resolved the issue of complicated mathematics

Theory of complex to be solved

Illeniuz, United States of America (CNN) - view the Clay Mathematics Institute
A reward of one million dollars to people who can solve one of the oldest and most complex math problems,
And older than 150 years.

The issue known as the "Riemann hypothesis," which developed the world's Bernhard Riemann in 1859,
They relate to the initial terms that are defined as those numbers that are divisible by itself
The number one just like (2 of 3 571 113 ..), respectively.

It is believed that this hypothesis could provide a better appreciation of some of the issues related to the initial terms,
Says Peter Sarnak Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University that many scholars have failed to find a
Solution of the Riemann hypothesis, so that the exit is evidence of the resolution requires a new look and in-depth for the construction of complex numbers
And preliminary. "

Professor Ramin Tklopgac Olleniuz University, says that providing a solution to the issues of the theory of Riemann
May lead to greater understanding of not only mathematics, but also for the information coding, and computer science ..
Fberotocullac Internet for example based on preliminary figures

Nutrition according to blood groups

Tell me: What is your blood type? I tell you: What do you eat?
How to choose the right diet? The latest techniques in Dieting and nutrition according to blood groups

The selection of food integrated and appropriate for each individual and design programs and Dieting

Fitness depends on the nature of the former food itself and its components and elements without the slightest regard for the species of blood-borne

Rights and their impact on food quality and effectiveness of programs fitness.

But modern scientific research changed the traditional concepts and highlighted the importance of blood groups and prominent role

In human life. Today you can choose your food and what you need from metals and food supplements can also get rid of

Of obesity and get fit all that on the basis of the type of your blood type, which would become merely a statement in your

Personal to the mainstay of your health and food taken into account in every step of your steps.

In one study, the researchers developed a diet for a fixed group of similar patients based on intake

Plant and reduce the intake of animal protein .... What was the result?

Had similar reactions to this common system ... Despite the fact that a large proportion of them have shown improvement, but some did not

Happen to them any improvement while others locked room after having their health

And repeated studies and research on this subject and it was found that there is no formula is ideal food for all. But you see what is

The reason?
To explain that researchers interested in focusing on the different type of blood between the people to consider that the blood is a fundamental thing, the difference in

Between human beings .... and is the same as the elixir of life, which supplies food for the body's cells.

And researchers to provide different food systems to a large group of people have different blood groups. And from here began

Reflected the fact that the difference in reactions to different food systems.

Holders of blood type O
THE HUNTER sniper platoon

The owners of these species have the primitive human fingerprint food, who lived on fishing and hunting and eating the flesh of animals ... so the meat is the best food compatible with this platoon.
And may qualify the owners of these species and genetically to this kind of food, it was clear that they're mostly abundance of gastric acid, which facilitates the digestion of meat to them .... while some degree of difficulty in the digestion of eggs, and dairy products, cereals, and legumes as these food were not in the list of the staple food of primitive man
According to the trend of food genetic has gained the representation of food have a recipe Alkithonip which are objects Kithonip blood and this is a material behind an undesirable result of dieting depends on the eat more protein and reduce carbohydrates, is to replace glucose for energy. and so the process of metabolism when the owners of these species are considered non-balanced or together
Are characterized as active high (Like the fisherman, who depend on motor activity in the fishing and hunting) ... As well as access to a limited amount of calories (not to accept the body of carbohydrates), it makes them more than others are characterized by a natural moderate weights

Since the owners of these species thrive on eating meat, including that over-eating meat is a health hazard because of the body to obtain a large amount of animal fats, which raise the level of cholesterol ... if it is to succeed, the food system to them, it must take a few light meat containment fat and be non-hormone treatment or antibiotics, in addition to chicken and fish, alternating with red meat.

Model of diet genus O

-2 Slice of bread (Essien) or (Aezekl) or white bread with jam (jam natural or low-glycemic
-2 Hard boiled egg in boiling water
- A banana or pineapple juice
- Drink green tea or herbal
- Power of chicken (sliced chicken breast + mayonnaise + green peppers + coconut
-2 Plum fruit
- Water
- Tin or mussels or plum or
- Pumpkin or
- Rice cake with almond butter
- Quantity (slices of lamb + onions + Mekdons + lemon juice + spices)
- Or fish
- Rice built
- Boiled vegetables

Holders of Type A blood
THE CULTIVATOR family farms

The owners of these species inherited footprint of food for the farmer old who was adopted in most of its food on reaping the fruits and plants. They are the most corrupt in their diet with nature. And therefore, the best type of food in line with the nature of their bodies is the food plant Tzj full unprocessed and-free of chemicals and food additives
We come after us a lot about this kind of health spread after Allogvep processed foods and additives blended materials while the less reliance on plant foods fresh. But the owners of these species in particular must be seen a challenge in re-education of blood what they have learned already
The followers of the owners of these species to such a diet would bring a lot. In addition to that it is compatible with the nature of their bodies, it provides them with protection from health problems are more likely to have ex is compositionally and most important of heart disease and diabetes and cancer. And because also because the owners of these Algosailp characterized weakness in their immune system, the follow this system compatible with resist this weakness and activates the efficiency of the immune system .... ie that the obligation to diet properly and is compatible with the nature of the object is intended not only to extend the body of nutrients and the necessary but also aims to reduce vulnerability to infection increased the most prominent diseases of this age .... and diseases are the former

A model for diet genus A

- A cup of lemonade on an empty stomach (water + lemon juice
- Oats with soy milk and molasses
- Grapefruit Juice
- Coffee or herbal drink
- Power Eonany (Lettuce + celery + tomatoes + onions + goat milk cheeses + lemon
- Vegetable Soup
- Slice bread
- The fruit of an apple
- Drink herbal
- Yogurt with fruit
- Green Tea
- Fresh Vegetables
- Published in turkeys or you have my
- Boiled beans or bean soup NAPT
- Drink herbal

Holders of blood type B
THE NOMAD Nomad family

Is similar to the platoon in many respects with blood type O, but is somewhat more sophisticated. The adherents of this species like humans, the Bedouin, who combined the qualities of primitive man (the sniper) and try to acquire some characteristics of human civilized ... or we can say that it represents an intermediary stage of the journey push the
Following this, the owners of these species Etwavqon with eating animal foods and eating vegetarian food ... that is the character of the food is the balance
Like the human and the Bedouin, the owners of these species are characterized by a high ability to resist diseases of modern civilization heart disease and cancer .. even in the case of contracting out, they are better able to recover from or adapt to them.
This group allows them more freedom in choosing food
It also features the owners of these species to your immune strong capable of turning the protection of the body and lethal enemy invaders from bacteria of different, but at the same time more likely for the other factions of the disorders of the immune system itself, such as lupus and multiple sclerosis, a disease rheumatoid ... and is what we call disease autoimmune
In case the owners of a platoon system compatible with the food it gives them a greater chance of other factions to heal the disease and enjoy a long healthy, God willing.

Model of diet type B
- A combination of fruit juice + Lecithin + tablespoon hot oil
Membrane Fluidizer Cocktaik
- Porridge of rice bran with banana and milk Almakecot
- Or hard boiled egg in boiling water +2 slice of bread, or white bread Aezeky
- Green Tea
- Power of spinach or salad vegetables
- Slice bread Essien
- Just a box (80 grams)
- Drink herbal
- Yogurt with fruit
- Drink herbal
- Meat goats or rabbits
- Boiled vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cabbage)
- Fruit Salad
- Herbal drink

The owners of AB blood type
THE ENIGMA mysterious platoon

This species is not clear or non-independent features in its characteristics as to undergo a bit of mystery, it features many of the antigen that make it similar to a species that sometimes blood (A) and other times like a species of blood (B ).... but for the most part represent a merging of these two recipes qualities
Generally do not correspond to most of the food is not compatible with the blood type (B) and with the blood type (A) with this new breed ...... but there are some exceptions that some type of clot Alketinat which the various factions of other blood to be less effective for these species and that combine antibodies to type (A) and antibodies to the detachment (B) ... For example the tomato food is not compatible with blood type (A) or blood type (B) to fit on Ktinat harmful. But this damage is not clear for those with blood group (AB), they can eating tomatoes without problems.

Model of diet genus AB

- A cup of lemonade on an empty stomach (water + lemon juice
- A cup of grapefruit juice
- Hard boiled egg in the boiling water
-2 Essien slice bread with jam or low natural sugars
- Coffee

-4 Slices of turkey or Sdrdik my dick
-2 Slice of rye bread
- Green salad
- Drink herbal

- Yogurt with fruit

- Salmon with Lemon and Dill
- Brown rice
- Power of spinach or salad vegetables
- Decaffeinated coffee

Photos Earth during the night

Images of the Earth during the night, indicating the presence of rich cities in the world through the lights, which sees from outer space