The scientists announced their success in the design of a device capable of playing like Btakip, and to conceal the set objectives of sight through a revolutionary new technique based on the scattering of light and prevent repercussions. The new device Eetmer ability to direct the path of light rays falling towards it, which makes X-wrap around it, and makes the viewer unable to see what is hiding underneath. A team of scientific research: «that the new experiment similar to the flow of water in the river, it will continue to flow even if they objected to the way pieces of wood, and shows that this article would be more like a hole in the space».
And aspires scientific team that designed the device, to the development of future models of it, managed to hide people, so they have achieved one of the wonders that as long as people used to joke in the stories and movies. He explained the project owner David Chiorig told the Associated Press the nature of the device that is scattered light and the reflected waves from objects, thus making it a hidden, as the human eye can not see things until after the reflection of light on them.
The scholars of the University of York, who discovered the «device concealment new»: «The technology that was invented based on the composition of special metal, and unlike» Ghost «used in some types of military aircraft such as« Stelit », and that resort to reducing the amount of reflected short-wave from the body of the aircraft In order to avoid radar by them. The Chiorig The new technology are based on full packaging for the purposes intended to hide, so distracted by the undulations of light similar to that happens when going through the river on a rock in the middle. For his part, said physicist End Hart of the University of St. Andrews: «The idea in itself a remarkable achievement, and surprisingly it works simply». The electrical engineer David Smith of the University of York, said the idea came quick and its applications were faster. Managed device in his first experience in concealing the copper cylinder is almost full, and the scientists overseeing the project is to improve in the coming period so as to succeed, not to conceal the purpose, but in the shadows to hide the resulting.
The scientists designed the device from a special alloy, add to parts of ceramics, Teflon, and fiber, which when finished will be able to hide from the development itself and the purposes for which it contains, in addition to your shadow, so it is impossible to see or sense his presence. A key consideration taken scientists at the University of York in mind is that the forms of mineral sperm concealed must be much smaller than the radiation nanotechnologies. For this reason, use expert David Chiorig micro-wave radiation. Sayalbageson and that the new article, or what is known as «beyond the article» blocking electromagnetic radiation about the thing you hide, and to prevent radiation from penetrating radar, leading to the isolation of the thing to hide from the outside world. The researchers in many areas that can be used by the new article, which will probably be mostly become applications for military purposes.
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