الثلاثاء، 29 يونيو 2010

Soda water burn bones

Carbonated water made from water that has been processed in a special way with carbon dioxide in addition to local materials and other colorful and flavorful and third acids such as phosphoric acid and citric acid, not only this but also added caffeine which contains regular packaging (330 ml ) on the equivalent found in a cup of coffee of caffeine and this explains what stalking children from insomnia, headache and acidity not to mention tooth decay of the impact of acid on the layer that protects the teeth and reduce the proportion of hypocalcaemia and lead to osteoporosis in old age. What is expected silence from these drinks???? Do you love it and we will continue to Ndmnha????
Death in a bottle: Once again .. If you want to be sure, examine well what is written on a bottle of cola and you will find components such as:
Phosphoric acid: small amounts of ethylene Gelkol which reduces the freezing temperature of water to below zero in four or five degrees, this article is one of the poisons in forensic medicine. If dealt with 4 liters of cola may lose your life in one hour: It is not required is disturbing, but attention and the search for alternatives in the fresh juices and flavored milk different and coconut and plain water instead of carbonated drinks they have no nutritional value for vitamins and minerals as well as they contain a lot of sugar and carbonic acid and other chemicals Kalmllonat ...
"No Cola after eating" make a special appeal - raising the slogan and the obligation to apply if you are a loving soft drinks after a meal and to answer your question "why" Read us the following lines:
Needs the human body to a temperature in 1937 for the work of enzymes of the digestive system, and the temperature of these drinks are much lower than this temperature, leading to tension in the digestive tract, and may reach the temperature to zero, and this in itself lead to a reduction enzymes, and will not digestion of food is good, but Sitkhmr leads to the presence of gases and toxins acquired during become absorbed in the intestine and revolves with the blood, and transmitted to the body and accumulate these toxins in the body, leading to the emergence of various diseases.
Painful experiences with cola: Trial 1: Since the period and at the University of Delhi in a competition to drink the largest amount of drinking Coca-Cola winner of 8 bottles of Coca-Cola and he passed out immediately because of the increased proportion of carbon dioxide in the blood significantly, and therefore prevent the President of the University the entry of any soft drink! To the university.
Experience 2: Develop one are not broken in a bottle of Coke for 10 days melted, you believe that? Teeth and bones are human parts that stay long with the rights even after his death. Imagine the impact of these drinks p! Li the small intestine and stomach lining! We would like to reach this message to all your friends to increase awareness of the adverse impact of the health beverage

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