الجمعة، 23 يوليو 2010

apana mudra

Strengthen the immune liver Urology

Almodra this helps to remove waste and toxins from the body, as well as to remove urinary problems.
Modra "during" that stimulates the wood element, too, which is linked to liver and gallbladder card.
This element contains the power and pleasure and also the joy of the spring season when they start new
Processing and shaping visions of the future.
In addition to Mudra "Aban" has the ability to paralleled the effects on the mind and that we look at a large
Make the liver runs well and gives us patience and serenity and confidence of the internal balance
And mental harmony in the world, they create the ability to develop the vision you'll definitely
You need all this when you look to the future while facing new challenges.

How Exercise
In each hand: Keep the thumb and middle fingers together and extend the pinky finger and index finger together.
When the need for this exercise are from 5 to 45 minutes or 15 minutes, used 3 times
Day treatment cycle.

Bdhurk farm and care to them and you will get a rich harvest
And with the help of God, which we accept thankful.

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