الجمعة، 23 يوليو 2010

Hakini Mudra

Activate the memory

When you want to remember nothing. Or want to find the red thread, just insert the fingers of the Parties
Your hands with some, and the eyes of the highest mode tip of your tongue on the gums during inhalation,
He attributed the tongue to its natural position during the exhale.
Then take a deep breath and I wanted had you think of immediately.
Moreover, when focusing on something for a while longer time, you can
Use some of the plans and good ideas as well. Or you want to read something that might Iftikhar
Previously, this Almodra useful when applied in matters of mind.

Do not sit cross-legged When you apply this Almodra sit natural or status of the "CISA"
And your eyes toward the west crowned Almodra it works real wonders probably will not believe
When I tell you that when I used it once in 2002 I saw the atoms
Air with my own eyes, you must maintain this Almodra well and use in emergency situations.
The position of the fingers in this Almodra re-search in the brain, and has devoted
This Almodra to unite the left and right brain.
It is recommended now in the training memory. It is open ports right brain
Where there are storehouse of memory. This also deepens Almodra
And improves breathing and brain benefit from this much.

How Exercise
Fingertips of your right hand touching the five fingertips of your left hand five.
Can be used Mordra "Hakini" at any time you want.

To activate energy large intestine are able, move and move in contact with your fingers
That one finger Kalisba right index finger on the left thumb,
And middle finger right hand on the left index finger and so on and so on.

Shall be exercised in the work of Almodra movements on the fingers twice to three times
A day, a lot of help in treating some of these photos for some applications Almodra

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