الجمعة، 23 يوليو 2010

pran Mudra

Modra life reduces fatigue and improves vision

Mudra is "Bran" to activate the root Alchakra and where you are force of racist people.
The position of the fingers stimulates feeding in the pelvic floor. Increases
Almodra this vital and reduces fatigue and nervousness, and improves vision.
It is also used against eye diseases.
Level of mental and emotional development. Maintain our strength and our health, and increases our confidence in ourselves,
And gives us the courage to do something new. And the power of the vision of the Interior.
The Eye net is also a sign of mental clarity that emphasize the mind.
Which means the organization of intellect and common sense.

How Exercise
Hand: Keep party thumb and ring finger and pinky together. And the rest of the fingers remain extended.
As needed, a layer of 5 to 30 minutes. Or as a treatment 3 times a day for 15 minutes.

When you apply Modra "Bran" internal pressure also put your thumb inside the fingernails
Two fingers instead of the other parties.
This has the effect of making the left and right brain working together. To become active,
And complement each other mutually. This is important for overall health.
Usually nerve signal weakness, or work too much or lack of internal stability.
This brings Almodra conscientious conscious patient and calm, mode of breathing
Soft have an impact on being sufficiently unbalanced, firm, stable, quiet and steadfast Kalmrsap.

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