Particularly solar energy food
This represents Almodra acceptance and receipt at their centers, leaving things follow,
Layout of your hand with the other hand. They all must be tempted with each other.
To affect the current mechanism of an energy absorption of food, in addition to it
Assist in the removal.
Strengthen and focus on breathing and thus absorbs oxygen
And release of carbon dioxide in the lungs.
Has no effect on the comfortable solar plexus, the stomach, liver,
Spleen and gallbladder, regulates the energy in the autonomic nervous system.
Tired potential removal, and removes toxins. Has no effect on the excellent
General or severe nausea, sea sickness, flatulence, or that
A sense of fullness and felt by the person after meals.
How Exercise
The first way:
Right hand: Place the Chairs of the three fingers with each
(By the thumb and one finger and one middle finger)
All destined for the top and other fingers extended.
Left hand: Place the Chairs of the three fingers, with each party thumb
And one middle finger and ring finger by a thumb with two fingers Central
All destined for the top two fingers and make other index finger extended and small.
The second method:
Right hand: different from the previous position the Chairs of the three fingers with each
(By the thumb and one finger, ring finger and pinky fingers with the thumb of any small
Which is next to it)
Make it destined for the top two fingers and make other index finger and finger extended Allosty.
Left hand: the same Kalsourp earlier.
Brought the potential of the thumb with the ring finger pinky Feinst Lower digestive process and the removal process.
We call this Almodra Name (pump energy services). It stimulates brain function.
Vemoda finger in the right hand activates the energy in the pelvic area.
And the development of the fingers of the left hand draws energy burning up.
Each member, Kalm'zaj year, and the concentration of thought, memory, logic, and a positive impact on the enthusiasm.
These are used Almodran immediate assistance for urgent cases or practiced four times a day, five minutes for each case.
Hands must be included Kidd and one things and leave the track, format your hand with your other hand.
Valedan must be tempted with each other.
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